This week we have a new video tutorial that introduces the use of Snippets to store and reuse sets of nodes to build your ideas quickly, and Groups to layout your patches in a more ordered and understandable way.
On a very rainy night in Tel Aviv in December I was invited to be interviewed at TAMI, the Tel Aviv makerspace about Fugio, Freeframe, VJ’ing, Open Source, and it all fits into my art practise.
New Fugio video tutorial covering OpenGL shader live coding, sharing OpenGL textures between many applications in real time using Spout (Windows) and Syphon (OS X), and rendering to texture for complex, multi-stage shader processing. Not expecting to get too much coding done this week as I’m off to Ars Electronica this week in Linz, Austria this week. Have fun with the update!
This Fugio Friday we have two new plugins that provide MIDI input and output for integrating with musical instruments, MIDI controllers, and the huge range of MIDI enabled software and hardware.
This tutorial introduces Lua scripting for making your own custom nodes within Fugio. From simple data processing to complex logic, Lua is an easy to learn language (that’s also widely used in commercial game development because of its speed) and many other software packages.
Happy #FugioFriday! Bit late today because I was up late watching the UK EU referendum results come in. Personally I’m very disappointed with the result but regardless of the outcome, we have to continue to work together across the planet and create many wonderful, inspiring things!
In the spirit of sharing and cooperation, I have TWO new plugins for you today! There’s a network one, for sending data between computers, and an Open Sound Control (OSC) one so you can start linking Fugio up with other software and hardware.
If you’ve already installed Fugio, choose “Check for updates…” in the help menu, else download the latest version from
In this tutorial video I show you how to connect the mobile app TouchOSC (Android and iOS) to Fugio so you can add a very cool touch screen interface to your patches.
Please like and share the video!
I’m off to Vienna on Sunday for a few days work but will catch up with you next week.
In this third tutorial we look at generating some more advanced sound synthesis using filtering and mixing more than one signal generator together to create new sounds.
In this video I introduce my new creative software project called Fugio and explain how it can get anyone using technology without writing code, while offering a powerful and sustainable framework for digital art projects.