
Video Projection Mapping Software

Painting With Light video mapping softwarePainting With Light is an easy to use video mapping application for Windows and OSX with a focus on creativity and experimentation. It requires no previous knowledge or experience.

Download Painting With Light for Windows and OSX

Open Visual Programming

Screenshot 2015-02-07 11.15.42Fugio is an open visual programming system for creating digital art, learning programming, and making cool stuff with hardware such as the Oculus Rift, Kinect, Arduino, Leap Motion, and any MIDI, OSC, TUIO, or DMX enabled thing.

Download Fugio for Windows and OSX  – Build on Ubuntu (also works on Arch Linux, and Raspberry Pi)

Video Streaming System

VideoStreamingWinampAVSbigfug Video Streaming – a real-time video streaming system for digital artists and VJ’s that transfers the output from one application to another, even across a network.

Now available for transferring data between applications such as vvvv, Resolume 2/3/4, Winamp Advanced Visualisation Studio, Video Jockey, and more

FFGL and FreeFrame Plugins

FreeFrame plugins work with a wide variety of real-time creative visual applications.

ADOBE SOFTWARE: Unless stated, these plugins do NOT work with any Adobe software.

fugGlitch-01fugGlitch – Glitch your video in real-time, generating all manner of digital artefacts and errors.


fugFeedbackGLfugFeedback – Create trippy video feedback effects


68fugPower – A real-time audio power spectrum


25fugScope – A real-time audio waveform


Older FreeFrame Plugins

  • FreeFrame – FreeFrame 1.0, FreeFrame 1.5/FFGL plugins
  • FrameRunner – a FreeFrame 1.0 host for After Effects


VJ/MIDI/Video Art Tools

  • AudioBox – detects the tempo from music in real-time and send beat via MIDI
  • MidiLoop – MidiLoop is designed to record short loops of automation data in real-time and send them to a host application in sync with music or an external MIDI clock
  • PatchBox – a real-time performance/installation media server
  • VidSeq-0.1.0 – load a video clip and change how it plays back in real-time by using your mouse to set looping cue-points


Older software projects:

  • Wapscallion – award winning gaming and social networking launched in 2000 for the first WAP internet phones
  • Zeus Bulletin Board System – highly configuration Amiga software for running online bulletin board systems

And just for fun, a game written back in 1991 to try and win a job at Peter Molyneux’s game company Bullfrog: