
Fugio (pronounced foo-jee-oh) is an open visual programming system for building digital art and creative projects quickly, with no programming experience required.

Screenshot 2015-02-07 11.15.42

Visual Programming

Drag and drop nodes that contain code for working with graphics, audio, and hardware.

Open Source

Fugio is 100% open source. Hosted on GitHub.

Cross Platform

Fugio runs on Windows, macOS/OS X, Ubuntu, Arch Linux, and Raspberry Pi.

Fugio Friday Mailing List

Get the weekly Fugio news every Friday and be the first to get your hands on the latest features and fixes just in time for the weekend!

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Download Fugio

Download the latest stable version:

Download Fugio 3.0.0 for Windows (64 bit) (7, 8, 8.1, 10)

Download Fugio 3.0.0 for Windows (32 bit) (7, 8, 8.1, 10)

Download Fugio 3.0.1 for macOS (OS X) (El Capitan 10.11+)

Download Fugio 3.0.0 for Linux (64 bit) (Ubuntu 17.04+, Debian Stretch)

Download Fugio 3.0.0 for Ubuntu (16.04 only, 64-bit)

Download Fugio 3.0.0 for Raspberry Pi (Raspbian Stretch)

Click here to install Fugio using snapd (Linux)

Please report any issues with Fugio on GitHub

Weekly Builds

These builds are uploaded every Friday and contain the latest updates. They may also contain work in progress, debug code, and bugs.

Build Fugio for Linux

Ubuntu, Arch Linux, and Debian are currently supported through building Fugio from source code:

Read full step by step guide

Fugio also runs on Raspberry Pi:

Cross-compile Fugio for Raspberry Pi

Further Information

Fugio documentation wiki

Fugio video tutorials on YouTube

Fugio source code on GitHub

Fugio news

Simple, clear design

There are building blocks called nodes that have inputs and outputs. Link the inputs to the outputs using your mouse. You now know how to use Fugio!

Learn useful, transferable knowledge

Fugio calls everything by its real-world name and doesn’t introduce needless jargon.  What you learn here will be useful elsewhere.  It hides the code and leaves you to process the real data how you need to.

Make things first, learn programming on the way

Learning to break an idea down into smaller steps that can be described in code is just as important as learning to write the code itself (and much less frustrating).   Using Fugio, you’ll naturally learn important programming concepts along the way without writing a single line of code.

Digital Preservation

Creating digital art is challenging enough without worrying whether it will still be working in the future when you want to show it again.  Fugio is designed to be at the cutting edge of digital preservation with its robust, highly modular design allowing for reconfiguration or replacement of nodes without needing to rebuild the whole thing from scratch.

Digital Democracy

Fugio is designed to democratise access to technology for anyone who wants to use it, regardless of existing technical experience.  It is amazing to see the worldwide enthusiasm and variety of quality resources to make learning to code available to everyone that has been happening over the past few years.

However, we have to recognise that coding just isn’t for everyone, and we don’t believe that anyone should have to learn to write code to understand or use computers if they don’t like doing it.

Fugio aims to allow access to high and low level technologies without having to write a single line of code, unless you want to, and then you can do that too!

Open API

Fugio is built in C++ using the Qt 5 Project for its excellent cross-platform support.

There is a programming API for Fugio allowing you to create custom nodes, GUI components, and other parts of the system.

You can use Visual Studio C++ Express on Windows, XCode on OSX, or standard build tools on Linux to create plugins.


18 thoughts on “Fugio”

  1. windows 8.1 check spout plugin…it doesnt send or display in fugio…works with simple client and paint with light…fugio doesnt send but it does recieve…but it wont display either….

  2. The installation is not working on x86 ubuntu… Could only get qt 5.5 (and in any case would prefer something simpler & less portable.) It collapses at
    ‘recipe for target mediaseqment.o failed’, then adds same for ‘sub-ffmpeg-make_first’.
    What I’m wanting is something to send control signals to csound on a local network, something more flexible than pd, but not needing to be fast enough to render audio directly…

    Is there a good way to just bypass plugins that aren’t compiling?

      1. Okay… I’m even ended up removing the ‘math’ plugin (which I very well might want(?)). After removing plugins each time ‘make’ fails to digest one, I’m now reaching the testing stage of ‘FugioApp.pro’ and getting
        …Project ERROR: Unknown module in QT quickcontrols2
        There’s also been a recurring problem with git clone: “… Fetched in submodule path ‘libs/exprtk’ but it did not contain … Direct fetching of that commit failed.”

        Should I be picking up the sources for a different version?

        1. I’m currently only testing on Qt 5.6 and 5.9 – there was some big changes between 5.5 and 5.6, which will probably go someway towards explaining the problems you’ve experienced. For git submodules, try running ‘git submodule init’ and ‘git submodule update’ when checking out the codebase for the first time

  3. Dear BigFug, what’s the timeline status in FuGio?

    Is it possible to lay out:
    – Video clips
    – Audio clips
    – MIDI Notes clips
    – Values changing over time

    Thanks in advance for any help.

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