fugBlender: Multiple Video Projector Blending Tool (WIP)

I’m currently working on a new software tool for working with multiple video projectors, allowing them to be overlaid and creating bigger (or brighter) projections.

It’s very quick and easy to layout and blend the projectors together, and once done, the tool can show video streamed using Syphon (on Mac), Spout (on Windows), and NDI (on Mac/Windows/Linux).

It supports any number of projectors, and devices such as Matrox’s TripleHead2Go.

fugBlender is currently still in development but if you want to hear when it’s released, join the bigfug software newsletter:

* indicates required

Fugio Tutorial 8 – OpenGL live coding, Spout and Syphon

New Fugio video tutorial covering OpenGL shader live coding, sharing OpenGL textures between many applications in real time using Spout (Windows) and Syphon (OS X), and rendering to texture for complex, multi-stage shader processing. Not expecting to get too much coding done this week as I’m off to Ars Electronica this week in Linz, Austria this week. Have fun with the update!

Download Fugio 1.7.0 for Windows and OS X

Get the source code for compiling on Linux


  • Spout and Syphon plugins
  • Added live coding support to OpenGL shader compiler
  • Added trigger and buffer pins to Text Editor
  • Added Brew install/update script for OS X
  • Added LuaVector3D


  • Progress on building on Raspberry Pi 3, including cross compile


  • Fixed some issues with MIDI Channel Input listening
  • Fixes some update issues in PinPrivate
  • Image Loader wasn’t always showing the thumbnail
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