Happy Fugio Friday!
I’m delighted to announce the first binary release of Fugio for Raspberry Pi (running Raspbian Stretch – as well as updated Windows and macOS builds).
No longer do you need to worry about compiling or cross compiling from source. You can even install it via apt-get to handle all the dependencies automatically.
Download Fugio v2.14.0 for Windows and macOS (source code)
Installing Fugio on Raspberry Pi
Open a Terminal window.
If you’re installing Fugio for the first time on your Pi, you need to add my public key so you know the files are signed by me.
sudo apt install dirmngr sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys BC9654E46D3A81C4
Next, you need to add the Fugio source to your system:
nano /etc/apt/sources.list
At the end of the file, add the following line:
deb https://www.bigfug.com/releases/ stretch main rpi
Save the file (Ctrl+X). Now you can update your sources:
sudo apt update
And you’re good to go…
sudo install fugio
This is the first time I’ve done a binary release for Raspberry Pi, so please let me know if you run into any problems in the comments below.
Check out the new GPIO node if you want to access the Raspberry Pi’s pins. I’m doing some work with this at the moment for controlling RGB LED’s and it’s working for simple I/O.
Currently it’s not possible to utilise the accelerated video decoding on the Pi as there are some incompatibilities that I still have to resolve, so don’t expect the video decoding to work at full speed.
What else is new?
Obviously this wasn’t just a case of compiling the source code on a Raspberry Pi. I had to do a lot of work on the OpenGL side to support OpenGL ES, allowing accelerated graphics.
To simplify using OpenGL shaders on all platforms, I’ve added a new node called “Easy Shader 2D”, which avoids having to add geometry and other OpenGL support nodes. See the new examples.
You’ll also notice a big change when you start Fugio up – we have a wonderful new logo that was designed by Eleanor Hyland-Stanbrook.
There’s a new plugin: NDI for sending and receiving video over a network (the 1,000th commit on GitHub).
There’s some new nodes for working with arrays of bits like IntToBits, AndBits, XorBits, etc. If you’re interested in modelling logic systems, these will save you lots of nodes!
There’s a StringSplit, Min and Max, Cosine, JoinPoint, and OpenGL ArrayToTexture…
This release also has the first build of FugioShow which is a small application for running the patches you’ve designed with Fugio without the editor.
Wow, that was a lot of new stuff! You’ll have noticed that there hasn’t been a Fugio Friday for a while. This was mainly because I’m super busy working on my art commission for the Francis Crick Institute, and also the large amount of changes needed to be made to the OpenGL side to support the Pi.
Have a great weekend!
- New logo!
- OpenGL ES support
- NDI plugin added
- FugioShow
- OpenGL EasyShader2D, ArrayToTextureBuffer node
- Point and Line support with pin, Lua class
- OpenCV Hough Lines and Simple Blob Detector nodes
- IntToBits, Multiplexor, AndBits, BitsToPins, FlipFlop, NandBits, NorBits, OrBits, XorBits, Min, Max, CosineDegrees nodes added to Math plugin
- SplitList, StringSplit, JoinPoint nodes
- GPIO Raspberry Pi node
- Can run Fugio with –opengl, –gles, or –glsw for OpenGL desktop, ES, and software renderer
- Added OpenGL Barrel Distortion example
- Added Geometry plugin with PolygonNode (early stage)
- Iterations added to OpenCV Erode/Dilate
- Nodes that take a filename will pop up a file dialog when you ‘Edit Default’ so you don’t need a FilenameNode
- Math Add, Divide, Multiply, and Subtract nodes work on a wider range of input data types
- Variant pins show useful data when you hover the mouse over them
- Added lots of new data types to ArrayPin
- Code is Qt 5.7 compatible
- Fixes to TextureMonitor