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Fugio on Raspberry Pi detailed guide


Happy Fugio Friday!

This week I have written a detailed guide for getting Fugio up and running on a Raspberry Pi using cross compiling:

Cross Compile Fugio to Raspberry Pi (bigfug wiki)

This guide covers installing a virtual Linux machine (if you need one), compiling Qt 5.7 with accelerated OpenGL support, and building Fugio with all the currently supported libraries.

Have fun…

Qt Multimedia in Fugio

Screenshot 2015-01-26 23.54.32

Fugio (and Painting With Light) are both written in C++ and built using the Qt Project, mainly because it offers a (mostly) consistent API across multiple platforms.  It offers a wide range of low and high level functionality, which are often great fun to play with.

Take the Qt Multimedia module, for example.  It’s so high level that I couldn’t resist adding in a couple of nodes that interface with it, so above we have the new SoundEffect node that can load and quickly play WAV audio files when triggered.

Taking MIDI input (or a multitude of different options, a Makey Makey for instance) and linking them up to SoundEffect nodes would rapidly create a simple sound board, but, y’know, triggered off touching various fruits

You can also see the new Filename Node, which is another small helper: click the button and a file open dialog appears.

Screenshot 2015-01-26 02.13.47

And here we have the Multimedia Player Node that can playback more complex media formats such as mp3’s and also video!

While I’ve been putting a lot of development time into a ffmpeg based timeline controlled media playback node,  sometimes you just need a simple way to play media, and these new nodes fit the bill nicely.