Fugio Friday: Oculus Rift support

Happy Fugio Friday!

Another week and another exciting new plugin: Oculus Rift virtual reality support!

I’m showing Sequence VR in Oxford next week, and while I haven’t quite got the 3D model loading plugin fully ready yet, the Oculus one was ready to go.

I promise to do some new video tutorials soon, especially regarding the 3D rendering side of things. Progress is being made on the animation side as you can see in this short video:

In the meantime, enjoy this release and have a great weekend!

Download Fugio 2.6.0 for Windows (7, 8, 8.1, 10)

Download Fugio 2.6.0 for macOS (OS X) (Mavericks 10.9+)


  • Oculus Rift support on Windows (no current support on Mac/Linux) – including example
  • Quaternion support to Lua (see Examples/LuaQt/Quaternions.fug) as suggested by MC
  • OpenCV flip node (flips images vertically)


  • More work on Firmata digital input pins


  • Result of LuaMatrix4x4::IsIdentity() wasn’t being returned correctly
  • MatrixRotateNode was always setting its inputs to zero on load

Fugio Update – Oculus Rift Support

Oculus Rift support in Fugio

I’ve been somewhat busy installing new work, doing a video mapping performance in France, and doing talks, but development has continued apace on Fugio.  Most recently I’ve just added Oculus Rift virtual reality support, which means its very easy to update an existing patch into an Oculus enabled one by the addition of one extra node.

I used Fugio to animate this exploding Stanford Bunny as a test for the 3D model loading and OpenGL shader code:

I’ve been adding some basic audio analysis nodes, so now there’s a FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) and an initial power spectrum node (works, but needs cleaning up):

Fugio Audio Analysis

There’s now a node for loading Whole Genome Sequencing data for an upcoming artwork that I’m currently working on.

Not to mention lots of basic work on logic operations and maths.  Lots of documentation to do now…

Also exhibited my humanoid robot HARR1 at NESTA’s FutureFest and Ravensbourne.  Sometimes HARR1 makes a portrait of me:

Alex May portrait by HARR1