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Fugio Friday: 25th May 2018

Happy Fugio Friday!

This week I have a new development release for our Early Adopters with an exciting new TUIO plugin, more JSON work including a node for doing live coding, and some logging enhancements.

  • NEW: Added TUIO plugin with TUIO Client node that receives TUIO cursor, object, and blob messages and outputs JSON data.
  • NEW: Added Italian translation files (if you want me to generate the files for your language so you can work on them, just let me know in the comments)
  • NEW: String To JSON node for converting a string into a JSON document. Can also be used with a Text Editor for live coding (syntax highlighting and error reporting coming next)
  • UPDATE: JSON Query supports object and array queries like [key=’value’] (return all objects that have the key that equals ‘value’).  See the JSONata docs for examples.
  • UPDATE: JSON Query can output a JSON document (the default) or Variants, which will be strings, booleans, and floats for easier connection to other nodes
  • UPDATE: Added threshold level in QR Camera Tracker example
  • UPDATE: Editor logger window now shows complete log from when it started, rather than when the window opened
  • UPDATE: Added some extra logging for plugin detection

Download Fugio 3.1.0 for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Raspberry Pi (early adopters only)

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