Happy Fugio Friday!
I’m currently in Belfast having just given a talk for the Northern Ireland Science Festival.
Check out this cool patch that uses your webcam to create two areas on the screen that act like buttons, which you can use to trigger off whatever you like! Yes, I know my hand is blue – I’m working on that… It’s available under the Video Capture examples in the File menu.
The latest development builds are available for download with new command line options for controlling the loading of plugins.
You can install the snap build using the following:
snap install --edge fugio --devmode
- NEW: Command Line Options (see below for examples)
- NEW: Experimental Linux snap builds for i386, x64, and armhf
- NEW: Core/ProcessClick node
- NEW: Two Video Buttons and Multiple AND examples
- UPDATE: OpenCV/CountNonZero accepts a Region Of Interest (ROI)
- FIXED: Kinect wasn’t working properly after image changes
Command Line Options
The new command line options for Fugio allow you to enable or disable plugin loading, set the OpenGL backed, set the language, and define variables for plugins.
The path to the Fugio or FugioShow executable is different on each platform:
C:\Program Files\Fugio\bin\Fugio.exe
which fugio
Replace [fugio] in the examples below with the path to the Fugio or FugioShow application on your platform.
Show the command line options:
[fugio] -h
Only load the core and math plugins:
[fugio] --enable-plugin fugio-core --enable-plugin fugio-math
Don’t load the PortAudio plugin:
[fugio] --disable-plugin fugio-portaudio
Run Fugio in German:
[fugio] --locale de
Run Fugio in Spanish:
[fugio] -l es
Load a patch:
[fugio] path/to/your/patch.fug
You can load more than one patch by listing them all on the command line.
Have a good weekend!