Happy Fugio Friday!
This last week I went down to Cornwall for a meeting at Eden Project that I am one of several artists and many scientists who are were called on for some advice for a large project they’re working on.
It was also a great opportunity to check on the status of the interactive Fugio powered installation “The Human Super Organism” that I installed as part of their Invisible You permanent exhibition.
Eden Project gets around one million visitors a year, so it’s an amazing opportunity to see how Fugio copes with that level of activity. I’m happy to report, other than someone managing to steal the Leap Motion sensor (we’ve locked it down now!), the installation has run perfectly since it was installed, so I’m chuffed about that!
As well as giving a talk about my art practise and Fugio as part of Lewes Light last week, it’s been a busy week with no time for programming, so no Fugio updates this week. I’m off to Cambridge next week and should have some time for something new…
Have a good week!