Happy Fugio Friday!
I had a great time in Texas last week with the exhibition, giving lectures and workshops, eating steaks, driving around, and buying a very fetching pair of cowboy boots.
And this Saturday I’ll be showing my Oculus Rift based VR artwork ‘Sequence‘ made with Fugio at the Museum of the History of Science in Oxford.
There’s a new development update, which you can download here, that fixes a couple of issues that users have raised this week:
- NEW: FFMPEG/Sound Effects example showing how to play single shot sounds
- FIXED: Loop Count wasn’t working properly on Media Player
- FIXED: Media Player audio playback needed a refresh
- FIXED: Lua library installation fix for macOS
As the new functionality for 3.0.0 is pretty much there, I will be aiming to release it soon once I’ve done some more testing and fixed a couple of issues with the Firmata plugin.
Have a great weekend!