Lots of work on smoothing out the freehand drawing tools with Bézier Curves. Subdivision is achieved using the Anti-Grain Geometry algorithm.
Development Images 20th July 2012
Development Images 12th July 2012
Development Images 25th June 2012
Images I’ve made today with the new software I’m writing.
Happy 100th Birthday, Alan Turing
23rd June 2012 marks the 100th birthday of Alan Turing. Tonight, I will be performing a one-off, live, VJ/AV Turing inspired mix with Martin A. Smith at Watermans Gallery in London.
Existential Pocket Email Phone Beat Poem
I’m always exploring new ways to interact with technology to create art. This one happened by accident.
I received an email on my phone this morning from Ben Rometsch, the chap who invited me to talk at the Digital Shoreditch event today. Somehow, while the phone was still in my pocket, and I was walking through Brighton, it managed to get into reply mode.
The following message was generated by a combination of touch-screen operation from my thigh and auto-completion.
If you read the ‘Y’s as ‘Why’s it becomes a rather enjoyable existential beat poem. I should like to see someone perform it.
Subject: The psww69eyzowozyroazzwzzpewwtuoReppip! [*[/) – [/*/=)! [=/: Talk tomorrow
I y y. Y. Please y. Y.. Pl.) y? Y? Yy. Yy. Please. Yypy. Y. Please?. Y? I? Y. Y y? Y?,?,
Yy? Y y? )y.y.? yy? Y? e. Yy.? Y. Y? Yy..y. Ypoyp? Yy.?. YY? e. Yy… Yy. Y. Y? Y. e. Y. Y. Y.. . ease.. Please… Y y. Please!. Y? Yy? Yy? Yy? Yy.? Y).. Yy. .. Yy. YyY? Y
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
Horizons: the Sinclair ZX Spectrum at 30

In April, the Sinclair ZX Spectrum will be 30 years old. Many people that hold creative, technical, and cultural positions now are, in some way or another, indebted to the little machine that plugged into the living room telly and caused pandemonium if someone stood on the space bar whilst a game was loading. Horizons is an event from Imperica, held at BFI Southbank on May 5 and 6 to celebrate the Spectrum’s 30th anniversary.
I’ll be giving a talk at 4pm on the 5th about how the ZX Spectrum fuelled my desires to create digital art.
Event page: http://www.imperica.com/horizons
Lanyrd page: http://lanyrd.com/2012/horizons
The Art and Science of Linen
The Art and Science of Linen is a video artwork created by artists Anna Dumitriu, Alex May, and microbiologist Dr John Paul, with sound by Martin A. Smith.
It looks at the whole ecology of linen production from the bacteria used to break down the flax in retting tanks to the industrial production of linen and its cultural importance.
The video focusses strongly on textures of antique linen textiles, flax flowers, linen production methods (rural and industrial) and the beneficial microbes that help in its production and was strongly inspired by pioneering microbiologist Sergei Winogradsky’s text “Le Microbiologie du Sol”, specifically his chapter on “Le Rouissage du Lin” which describes the retting (rotting) process where flax fibres are separated from the plant stems using microbiological processes. Winogradsky isolated the beneficial bacterium – Clostridium pasteurianum – responsible for this process in 1893-95.
The piece Includes images and footage taken at The Irish Linen Centre and Lisburn Museum and McConville’s Flax Mill & Museum where these historical processes can be seen in operation.
My Robot Companion at The Hoxton Mix Mixer
I’ll be talking about My Robot Companion at The Hoxton Mix Mixer in London on May 29th.