This morning I added timeline track data recording into Fugio.
For now it can record numeric values and also colours (have an idea for this) over time and then play them back. I need to add some punch in/out control and am thinking to put loop recording support in that would incorporate the functionality I was aiming for in my old app MIDILoop.
At some point I guess I need to do raw MIDI and OSC data tracks too for fine control. There now exists the possibility of recording data from one source into a timeline, outputting that through other processing stages, and re-recording it all in-app.
Apologies for the horrible timeline colours – was testing some stylesheet stuff… 🙂
Sweet! I’m really excited to see the progress on this project. It’s a grand undertaking that could be extremely useful to a lot of digital artists!
Thanks! It’s slowly taking shape and looking like a really fun tool. Keep getting distracted with making things with it 🙂