Download Fugio 1.5.1 for Windows, OS X (get the source code)
- Lots of new examples including network stock checker and audio processing nodes
- Added group breadcrumb widget to the bottom of the editor window
- fillRect() method to qt.painter
- PortAudio input and output now have default device options
- Added LuaMatrix4x4
- Save images from NumberMonitorForm by right-clicking on its window
- Added FileLoadNode
- Added AutoRangeNode
- Added MinMaxNode
- Added RingModulatorNode
- Added ArrayListPin, VariantListPin
- Added extra include paths for Lua
- NetworkRequestNode saves data to a temporary file, rather than always into memory
- Renamed NetworkRequestNode to GetNode
- Added RegExp pin to RegExpNode
- ScaleImageNode can scale to width/height/size
- Cut/copy/paste now works between patches
- You can also paste as plain text in any text editor or window
- Lots of work on cut/copy/paste/delete functionality
- Fixed all colour selections in editor
- Fixed StringNode not showing loaded value
- Fixed StringJoinNode
- Windows 10 (x86)
- OS X 10.11 (x64)
- Ubuntu 16.04 (x64)