Happy Fugio Friday!
Landed in Tel Aviv last night and I’m in Israel for a couple of weeks.
Currently there’s some exciting stuff going on with Fugio (and Painting With Light) in the background as I’m gearing up for releasing the next plugin, which will be media playback and recording.
Ever since I started releasing software on Mac I’ve moved between various strategies for how to package it to include all the required libraries. Fugio has required the installation of Homebrew to activate plugins like Lua and PortAudio. This never quite seemed ideal as, though I think Homebrew (and MacPorts) are excellent, and about as simple as you can get, I’d rather simplify the Fugio installation to a one-step process.
To this end, I’ve been experimenting with a custom build of required libraries, and – with some very helpful testing by Mchiele C and Scott W (thanks, guys!) – it looks like I might have got it working.
If you want to try out the latest macOS installer, which doesn’t require Homebrew, it’s available by clicking on this link:
Fugio-1.11.2-OSX.dmg (OS X/macOS 10.9+)
Fixing this is key to releasing the media plugin, which is based on the FFMPEG libraries. Work is still progressing on this, and I hope to release it for macOS next week (Windows version will be the following week when I’m back in the UK).
Have a good weekend!