Fugio 1.4.1 is now available for download (source code)
Join us in the new Fugio Users Group on Facebook!
If you encounter any bugs or want to suggest new features, head over to the issue tracker.
- Fugio optionally records some anonymous data as you use it, which will really help me get an idea about how you’re all using it, where it could use some work, and also gives me some active user figures I can tell people about!
- Added tabs for patches to make switching between them easier (suggestion: @braedenf)
- LuaPainter::drawPoint()
- Transforms (rotate, translate, shear, scale) added to LuaPainter
- Added link to new Fugio Users Group to the Help menu
- Added Save All to File menu
- More examples: Lorenz Attractors, Rotating Text
- Right-click (or ctrl-click) on nodes in the editor to get a link to their online help page
- Started adding auto pin renaming to a few nodes
- More changes to the audio system to improve latency handling
- Open multiple patches at once (suggestion: @braedenf)
- Text Editor:
- Updating now takes place in frameStart
- Removed buttons at bottom
- Added toolbar with new menu and update button
- Won’t clear text if connected to empty pin
- Save implemented
- Alt + U keyboard shortcut to update
- Various build updates, mainly for using Homebrew on OS X
- LED node wasn’t firing properly for some types of inputs