Fugio Friday: CMake build progress

Happy Fugio Friday!

This week I’ve been focussing on creating a fully working CMake build system in place for Fugio.

As Fugio currently builds using Qt’s qmake, why do we need an alternative?

  • In a recent Qt blog post it was made clear that qmake is going to be deprecated in Qt6 in favour of a new tool called Qbs (pronounced cubes).
  • As CMake can be used to build all sorts of projects, and not just Qt ones, it enjoys a much larger user base.
  • The CMake file for a Fugio plugin seems to be a lot simpler than for the equivalent qmake file, especially when specifying cross platform options.
  • It seems easier to setup clean, automated builds that I seem to be needing more to simplify and make more reliable the process of Fugio binary releases, specifically for Raspberry Pi builds, too.
  • If someone wants to work on the Fugio code base, CMake allows the user to use their IDE of choice and be less tied to Qt Creator.

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So I’ve been struggling through creating the first set of CMake files, getting my head around how best to bring in all the required libraries.

I’ve invested in this book (associate link) so I can get my CMake skills up to scratch.

You can follow my progress on this GitHub branch and I hope to have a release ready for next week.

Until then, have a good weekend!