Fugio MIDI synchronisation

Screenshot 2015-01-23 17.39.12

Today I’ve been looking at synchronising Fugio with various applications over MIDI.  First, using the ever useful MIDIOX and loopMIDI, I was able to get Fugio synchronised to MIDI Time Code.

Screenshot 2015-01-23 18.30.26I also got MIDI clock working, synchronising Fugio to Ableton Live.  The main difference being that Fugio works in time, not measures/beats, so I had to manually set the BPM value to match the setting in Live, then it all matched up.

My plan for this is to feed the MIDI clock into a grid track, allowing direct and flexible translation between song positions and time.

I still have to finish off sending clock/MTC from Fugio, but it’s almost there.


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Fugio Keyboard Support

I’ve been away for a couple of days running a Painting With Light video mapping workshop at Bournemouth University so today I managed to do a little Fugio coding and added a keyboard node to catch any keyboard sequence such as simply pressing R or combinations like CTRL+7 and generate a trigger.

Screenshot 2015-01-21 12.45.12

In this patch pressing R generates a new random number.

Fugio: Timeline Recording

This morning I added timeline track data recording into Fugio.

Screenshot 2015-01-15 10.50.42

For now it can record numeric values and also colours (have an idea for this) over time and then play them back. I need to add some punch in/out control and am thinking to put loop recording support in that would incorporate the functionality I was aiming for in my old app MIDILoop.

At some point I guess I need to do raw MIDI and OSC data tracks too for fine control. There now exists the possibility of recording data from one source into a timeline, outputting that through other processing stages, and re-recording it all in-app.

Screenshot 2015-01-15 10.50.48Apologies for the horrible timeline colours – was testing some stylesheet stuff… 🙂


Fugio: Colour to MIDI notes

I managed to get the colour timeline controls working pretty well (still some finessing to do) so I thought I’d try a little experiment and feed the Hue, Saturation, and Lightness from the colour being generated in the colour timeline to a MIDI output, creating musical notes depending on the levels. There is a grand tradition of linking colours and musical pitch (see Isaac Newton’s 1704 book Opticks) so this provides a way of playing about with this data.